Michigan Medical Cannabis / Urban Farming

Green Logistics LLC, Detroit Michigan.
Serving the Medical Cannabis Community, as well as the Horticulture and Urban Farming industries.

With the passage of Initiated Law 1 of 2008, the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, numerous marketing opportunities appeared in the market place for the economy. Most of those economic opportunities are still without viable competition.

Our aim is to help Michigan regain its previous glory through horticulture, we look to be involved in Medical Cannabis, Hemp, Urban Farms, Community based gardens, Non Profit Coops, Learning centres, Blight Busters and many other community based horticulture projects.

Green Logistics will serve two very different Market segments :
The first areas we serve in the NON PROFIT Market segment are as follows:

1. Urban Farming community.
2. Michigan’s Medical Cannabis Patient and caregivers .
3. Non profit organizations that deal with medical cannabis and employ a discount model for patients.

We serve these segments for "free" and we are happy to help who we can and where we can in these segments.

The Second area we service is for “Profit Segments” such as:

1. Michigan's Horticultural businesses
2. Education and vocational training.
3. Business with in the cannabis industry.

We serve this segment to induce revenue and income support to employ our expert and professional Board.

Future PLANS:
Green Logistics LLC will fund educational programs and events, both to generate additional revenue to further our lofty goals, community charity and local based projects.

Green Logistics LLC main focus is EDUCTAION & ADVOCACY for Urban Farms and the medical cannabis community of Michigan.

Several groups have begun to emerge with a goal of serving this market. Some of these entities are attempting to put into place flawed business models or are unorganized in their attempts to implement any sort of coherent business plan.

Our current target market is the MMJ and Urban Farming community that is growing exponentially. The Medical cannabis industry alone is expected to double in the next 6 months As new patients and Compassion Clubs come on board. As the law becomes more settled and MMJ becomes more accepted there will be a tipping point, where the system is flooded with new entrants. This pattern has been repeated in almost every (14) state in which MMJ has been legalized.
Urban Farming is to create an abundance of food for people in need by planting gardens on unused land and space while increasing diversity, educating youth, adults and seniors and providing an environmentally sustainable system to uplift communities.

The primary focus of our marketing strategy is the Urban Farm and MMJ community (Patients and Caregivers) and the entities that provide support, education and help these organizations achieve the goals they have set.

Market Sizing & Demographic Background

One half of one percent of Michigan residents (50,000) have a Qualifying Condition that would allow him/her to enrol in the Registry. The total marijuana crop in Michigan is valued at $350 million with an additional $250 million imported from surrounding states and Canada. In 2006, $14 billion was spent in MM industry in California alone. Over half of those users in the U.S. have attended college. Of these users, 75 percent are male and 80 percent are between 18-54 years of age. We wish to offer free services to Urban farms and Medical Cannabis activist groups that are popping up everywhere.
We wish to be part of the Michigan community to push the horticulture industry as the new Michigan. One of our mottos: “grow the world”

This is Green Logistics targeted market. Additional demographics available regarding cross-section of multi-interest individuals and cross-community related interests demonstrate enormous market potential beyond the initially targeted user market.

Green Logistics LLC look to provide services that go hand-in-hand with the medical marijuana movement, horticulture, and urban farming trend.

Websites, Organizations and communities we manage :
http://www.michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/ - MI

Coming Soon, and helping create as we speak.

www.midwestmedicalmarijuanaassociation.com – (MIDWEST based in MI)
www.hempandcannabislearningcentre.com - MI
www.medicalmarijuanawisconsin.org - WI

More information on network and business associations to follow soon.

Green Logistics Michigan

Michigan Medical Marijuana

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Urban Garden Resource Program in Detroit


Community and backyard gardens play an important role in the City of Detroit. They provide thousands of pounds of fresh, nutritious produce for Detroit families and they improve communities by connecting neighbors, providing an alternative to trash strewn vacant lots, improving property values and reducing crime.

In an effort to maximize these benefits, the Detroit Agriculture Network, Earthworks Garden/Capuchin Soup Kitchen, The Greening of Detroit and Michigan State University have teamed up to help provide access to resources and educational opportunities for community, school and family gardeners.

Learn more about the collaborating organizations that support the Garden Resource Program in Detroit.

These organizations work in partnership with hundreds of other individuals and organizations to support community gardening and urban farming initiatives.


Detroit Agriculture Network

Detroit Garden Center

Detroit Summer/Back Alley Bikes

Earthworks Garden

Environmental Interpretive Center

Gleaners Community Food Bank of SE Michigan

Healthy Environment Partnership

The Greening of Detroit

Michigan State University Extension, Wayne County

Michigan Integrated Food and Farming Systems

Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance

Michigan State University Student Organic Farm

REACH Detroit Partnership

Summer in the City

Sustainable Detroit

WARM Training Center

Wayne Metro Action Agency

Monday, February 8, 2010


"One Tough Nerd" Rick Snyder

http://www.rickformichigan.... This 60-second spot highlights Rick Snyder's roots growing up in Battle Creek, Michigan and entrepreneurial experience creating jobs in Michigan